New Client Form

Happy Paws Veterinary Services

Animals are often very responsive to medical acupuncture and therapeutic laser, and I have several things I can discuss with you to do at home as well.

a black dog lying on a bed


Tue Wed Thu Fri

They will need 1-2 appointments each week for the first 3 weeks and then every 2-4 weeks, depending on their response.

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

Let me know ASAP, as I can’t hold unconfirmed appointment options.
Please send the following info at least 24 hours before your first appointment.

Initial consultation: $300 ~ 60-90 minutes
Continuing treatments: $125 – $150 ~ 45-60 minutes

Cash or Check preferred. Credit Cards accepted.

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1) Review my website for treatment, fees, and what to expect:

I treat each patient individually, but my usual approach is once weekly for three weeks, then every 2-4 weeks. Most animals need ongoing treatment due to age and issues being treated.

Even for young animals who have healed from their initial reason for needing help, I recommend ongoing monthly maintenance as a preventive approach supplemented with more frequent treatments as the need arises.

Effective pain management depends on our commitment to regular, consistent, and well-rounded treatment approaches. I will do as much as I can for my part, and dedication from pet parents is just as important.

2) Bring a long-lasting treat option, as eating is calming and distracting to help them stay still, especially in young, shy, or busy critters.

Great options include:

Frozen baby food or low sodium broth or non-dairy milk mixed with peanut butter to lick (2 jars for small dogs and 4 jars for big dogs)

The following options help, but their necks and bodies move around a lot more, so the needles won’t stay in as long.

  • tiny pieces of snacks like apples, tiny pieces of crunchy dog treats
  • peanut butter is offered in tiny portions using a chopstick

3) Mask Policy:

We sit very close together––for everyone’s safety––regardless of vaccine status, public mask mandates, or personal medical conditions:

Well-fitting masks covering the mouth and nose are required for everyone. If I get sick, I can’t help your critter and I also want to minimize your risk.

4) For veterinary medical records, please provide the following:

Client Name
Home Address (not a work or PO Box)
I see patients in my home––I cannot provide my address without your physical home address.